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Information about Dr. Jameson's Books

Transformed By Jesus

Transformed by Jesus is a series of devotional books by Dr. Timothy Jameson, which takes you verse by verse through the epistles of the New Testament and offers insightful and thought-provoking commentary to aid in your walk with Christ. In the first book in the series, Dr. Jameson navigates through one of his favorite epistles; Ephesians. This letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus has empowered believers for generations. You too will rediscover your identity in Christ as you sit down and enjoy Dr. Jameson's matter-of-fact and down-to-earth devotionals that will stimulate thought, challenge you, and bring joy as you are truly transformed by the love of Christ. To purchase your copy, visit at this link: Transformed By Jesus

In 2009, Vendera Publishing Company published Dr. Jameson's second book about musician's health issues called Reach For the Top: The Musician's Guide to Health, Wealth, and Success. This book is a summary of what Dr. Timothy Jameson has learned about the amazing attributes of the human mind, body, and soul over his 20+year career as a Doctor of Chiropractic and as a musician working week after week as a music director and worship pastor of his church. Dr. Jameson has spent many years working intimately with musicians, caring for human beings dealing with injuries, emotional stress, performance stress, and addictions. Through that time, Dr. Jameson has thoroughly enjoyed providing wellness enhancement, encouragement, and relief from debilitating injuries. This book was the result of one of my greatest joys; seeing a musician’s career saved by chiropractic, and then allowed to flourish due to positive constructive coaching to work on the mental aspect of the game.

To purchase Dr. Jameson's book from, please click on this link: Reach For the Top

Repetitive Strain Injuries

In May of 1998, Keats Publishing Company of New Canaan, CT, published Dr. Jameson's first book entitled; Repetitive Strain Injuries: The Complete Guide to Alternative Treatments and Prevention. Below is an outline of the first book of its kind to specifically address alternative, natural healing techniques for repetitive or cumulative trauma injuries of the neck and upper extremity.

  • Part 1: The Basics of the Repetitive Strain Injury (Anatomy, physiology, underlying conditions that can mimic an RSI)
  • Part 2: The Repetitive Strain Injuries (Explains in detail, with case studies, 15 different forms of repetitive injuries)
  • Part 3: What to do if you begin to experience RSI-like symptoms (First aid techniques, nutritional guidelines)
  • Part 4: Alternative Healing Disciplines For Repetitive Injuries (13 forms of alternative healing disciplines, including chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy)
  • Part 5: Rehabilitation For Repetitive Injuries (Flexibility, strength, and aerobic training.)

The book contains 25 anatomical drawings and over 50 photos of exercise and stretching routines. Click on this link to purchase: Repetitive Strain Injuries